So Now I'm a Teacher!

Where were you when you first heard about the Coronavirus? I honestly cannot remember. I love watching the news so I remember hearing about it but never did I imagine its impact being what it is today. Let's just jump right on into that impact.

I'm a substitute teacher. It's a new thing. Mute point. I was subbing my first day when rumblings start that school might be canceled for a while. What the heck is "a while" people?! I was like whatev I'm in the trenches dealing with 5th graders who think I don't know what the heck I am doing... because I don't. But hey, I'm smarter than a 5th grader because they know I hold the power of a positive or negative DoJo point. So word comes later that day that we are closed for two weeks! Say WHAT, 14 snow days!!!!!! Girl, please. NO! You are now a substitute teacher TO YOUR OFFSPRING?! What the heck! No bueno!

Y'all, if there is one thing that has gotten me through life it has been my faith. So I was like Lord, this is not the time for delays to prayer. I am NOT the one who should be homeschooling my child. But I decided to think positively... exercise THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING. I can do this.

Day 1. It was fun. Reality had not set in and we were ready to "play learn." I was excited by how much fun we had and how prepared I felt. Others were whining but I was winning! The school had equipped us with a fabulous learning packet and I have all these additional online resources to make up a fun day. We even ran some errands to make sure we had everything we needed. That night, I was like this will be so cool! Team Rodriguez is the bomb people! A month (yep, two weeks had become a month) of THIS! Yes, our lives have never been better!

Day 2

I am not even sure it's worth revisiting. But for laughs I shall. So there's me, ready to teach. And my daughter, ready for a snow day. Mentally, yesterday was not real to her. Another day of Mommy teaching makes this seem a little more real and she was not ready. My patience with her lack of initiative was wearing very, very thin. I did not want to lose it. Transparent moment. I have lost it before. I remember a time when my daughter at 4 years old was practicing piano and I was banging on the piano because she couldn't remember that the right hand plays the top bar and the left hand the bottom. Sad, yes! But I gotta be real... I did not have the patience to grapple with her 4 year old mind.

Sidebar. I recall learning to tell time when I was little and my dad, speaking through clinched teeth, was like AGAIN, THE SHORT HAND IS ON THE 3 AND THE LONG HAND ON THE 8 SO TELL ME WHAT TIME IT IS! 3:8? Oh the agony! But now it's my turn. I know I cannot speak through clinched teeth but I have to teach this girl, who mentally thinks this is a snow day, reading comprehension. She had no interest. And I can't with her attitude. Remember the prayer above? Yeah, I didn't. #Jesusbeafence I was ready to throw in the flag, waving it was not considered. Throw it far, far, far away.

We ended day 2 in tears. And when I say tears I mean uncontrollable flows of liquid down my face as her amazing teacher is reading a book that has my daughter longing to be back in her very well run, structured classroom. (I love her teacher!!! Can't she just move in? I pay well!) But quietly I was wishing she was there too because I did not believe I was capable. Let's face it... regrouping was needed and mandatory for both my daughter and myself. I sat with all my material in my lap that night and thought ok... game on. Jesus, I quit. It's Your turn.

Day 3-5

We. Found. Our. Groove. We had both a schedule and a checklist. My daughter actually responded well to the checklist. She loved marking stuff off and getting to the bottom where it says "watch lots of TV" [and leave Mommy alone]. Kidding but you feel me, right?! We did not go all day with lessons but we did do what we said we needed to do. WE - yes WE! She saw the daily packet when we started so we could have an understanding of the days task. We went on a daily bike ride and had some sort of an activity that she got to pick. My husband went around the house to find all those amazing educational toys we had purchased over the years. Robotics, electronic, and other crap. My parents used to say "change the way you see things and the things you see will change" so I adopted that strategy. This is our new normal. There is NO getting around it.

There are moments that straight up suck. Yes, suck. But there are fun moments that we would never have with our regular schedule. We have baked, built a tower, worked out outside, been on bike rides, and sat together to read books. We have prayed together - my daughter leading us in prayer.  Perspective is imperative in surviving #wasimadeforthis!

Are we made for this? YES! We are made for this and more. We are greater and more equipped than we realize. All the online free resources are there to ease the burden and we are excited to incorporate them in our weeks to come. I'm very thankful for my daughter's teacher who is available throughout the day and has prepared educational packets that make my life a little easier as well.

Today is Day 6 and my daughter has energy that needs to burn. I waited all week for Saturday where there was no schedule but her little body wants activity and friends. She hears neighbors playing and wants to join in the fun; unfortunately, that is not an option. But! Riding your bike around the covered pool [safely] chasing mommy is! These days will require me to get out of my comfort zone and play make believe. We are crafting more and using our imagination to pass the time. Shifting what I think is fun to what WE think is fun makes the day bearable. This is just the beginning. But I'm confident that I was made for this and we will make the most of it.

Feel free to drop links in the comments of pictures or stories (happy or sad) to encourage all of us through this journey. Links to additional resources are also welcome!

Here are more pics from week one of homeschool life! #weAREmadeforthis
